
Prescription Drug Disposal

Unused medications that remain in medicine cabinets are highly susceptible to theft and misuse.  To avoid this, simply bring your unused household prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to a drop box location. The local drop box location is the Lower Alloways Creek Township Police, Department, 501 Locust Island Road, Hancocks Bridge.            For more information visit:  www.SWCCoalitions.org/disposal


Click Here to find a Salem County Flu Clinic.

If you missed a clinic in Salem County Click Here to find a Flu Clinic in a near by area.

Elsinboro Township Rabies Clinic is 1:00PM to 2:30PM at the Elsinboro Fire House, 35 Delaware Ave, Elsinboro Township, Salem NJ.   You can review your licenses on Tuesday evenings from 6PM to 8PM during the month of February at the Elsinboro Township Municipal Building, 619 Salem Ft-Elfsbrog Rd, Salem, NJ

                        RABIES CLINIC - January 25, 2025

To download a dog registration/application form please Click Here


Storm water Educational Resources (Nonpoint Source Pollution)

go to http://www.cleanwaternj.org/ Everyone needs to do their part!

Do you want to review government documents?

Open Public Records Act (OPRA) allows you to have access to government records.

Click Here for the request form.

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